mirena removal weight loss
weight loss after Mirena removal. There are many methods for birth… | by Mike Bacher | Medium
Distorting the status-quo, one story at a time. Blogwriter :: mother :: feminist I feel it is time for a follow-up post. My original post receives between 700-1100+ daily visits and has generated more than 200 comments from women around the world who have shared their own, sometimes very personal, struggles and experiences with this so-called inocuous way of birth control. I appreciate every one of these women sharing their stories, listening to their guts and persevering in the answers when they were not receiving any of their health professionals. It is difficult to answer every comment, but there are some common questions within a good majority of them that I feel I can answer, at least from my perspective and from my experiences at this point, a year after Miraa. The feared "Mirena Crash." Before I was removed from the IUD, I also did a lot of research and reading on the Internet and the number one you hear is the Miraa accident. This hormone plum can cause all kinds of symptoms ranging from general discomfort and feeling indecent to rabies, depression and severe mood changes. It seems to last about a week in its most severe form and then it goes off. Fortunately, I don't think I suffered through a big accident after my removal and honestly started to feel better within the days of having it out. Bleeding. I had some extraction bleeding initially the first night and the next day. It was very bright red, and I admit that after 3 years of not seeing that kind of blood with my "something" periods, I was a little worried. Turns out it was really nothing that a couple of sturdy outlaws could not handle and stopped after that second day. A return to normal menstrual cycles. Since Aunt Flo's initial visit 5 weeks after the Miraa retired, my periods have been like watchmaking. I have a nice 28-day cycle and a 3.5-day period. And all I use during that time is my cup of Diva. That's it! I can't complain about anything on this front. I feel like a normal woman and apart from the fact that now and experiencing an increase in the emotional symptoms of PMS, I feel good about everything. Hair loss. The hair loss I was experiencing while I had the Miraa was REE-Diculo! I ran my fingers through my hair in the shower every morning and they were completely covered with hair. The normal loss of hair daily for women is between 50-100 threads a day, with new ones that grow almost immediately to replace the lost. I thought (based on what I dropped in the shower and what I went up to the bathroom floor every other day) that I was losing about triple this amount ALL DAY. Luckily I have a lot of hair to start and I wasn't noticeing any bald patch, but I do know some women aren't so lucky. In my opinion, I think I am back to a normal pattern of hair loss and noticed this difference within about 4 months after the return. Weight loss. I'd love to tell you everything I did for the Miraa to retire and magically to fall 20 pounds. Oh, this didn't happen. Unlike some of the brave women who have published their stories and comments about the original post, I did not have a lot of weight gain while in Miraa. What I did was an inability to lose weight even with a fairly strict fitness routine and a healthy and balanced diet. One year after my removal from Miraa and four months since I stopped caring for my daughter and finally, that extra 10-15 pounds of what I liked to call my "Milk Reserves" is starting to slow down. Extreme fatigue. This was one of the side effects that disappeared faster. I was unable to keep my eyes open while DRIVING and absolutely NEEDING to nap every day, to sleep better at night (no more night sweats) and have more energy all day. I'm serious people, the level of fatigue I was experiencing was dangerous. Literally I slept with the red lights and I even think that somehow I fell asleep with my eyes open a couple of times and threw "AWAKE" just in time to avoid crashing the car with all of us in it. Libido. It's BAAA-aaack. And it was relatively soon after the removal. The fact that I didn't feel like I could literally sleep at a given time of any day had a lot to do with it. I had ENERGY again. Being with him, taking care of my sexual and sensual needs again and wanting to just get it! Now don't get me wrong, we're still a busy family with a lot going on in our lives and a few nights. I'm completely exhausted and it's a quick peck on the cheek and lights off, but now, at least I have my DESIRE back. While I was in the Look, it was like that part of me was completely out of my mind. And I'm kind of a sexy beast, so this was very worrying for me! Abdominal pain, blond, cramp. I am very happy to say that since my elimination Miraa I have not had a severe abdominal cramp outbreak and atrocious pain that was a monthly occurrence with him in. As it turns out, I don't have ovarian cysts, I don't have appendicitis or endometriosis and I don't have ridiculous levels of harmful gas in my intestines! If my doctor agrees with me or not, I really think I had a device in my body that was poisoning me...... The only thing that has bothered me more about all the comments and stories that have been shared with this post is the fact that so many women (including me) have had to fight with their healthcare providers to be heard, to be believed and to have this device removed from their own bodies. This tells me of volume about the state of our society, where a woman's voice and decisions about her body are constantly questioned, where the simplest answer is not even considered and where women are being bombarded with more and more medications to treat what can really be the side effects of what is considered a rather benign medication. In fact, benign that last September, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology made this statement in its following statements: "The increase in adolescents' access to reversible long-acting contraceptives is a clinical and public health opportunity for obstetricians-gynaecologists. With a high-level effectiveness, high rates of satisfaction and without the need for daily adherence, reversible methods of long-acting contraceptives should be the first line of women." "Increasing adolescents' access to reversible long-acting contraceptives is a clinical and public health opportunity for obstetricians-gynaecologists. With high-level effectiveness, high rates of satisfaction and without the need for daily adherence, reversible long-acting contraceptive methods should be frontline recommendations for all women and adolescents. "And while I understand that the issue that was being addressed at the College was the growing rate of unwanted teenage pregnancies, I wonder about the long-term effects of this type of contraception (hormonal DIUsors) on these adolescents still developing bodies and hormonal systems. Will these long-acting contraceptive methods affect your future ability to conceive? We don't know the answers to these questions, and I don't think it's a risk I'd like to take with my teenage daughter. Of the 218 comments that have been shared in the original post, there are perhaps 5 that reflect a positive Miraa experience. Granted, most women who find my post are doing so using search terms such as "Mirena IUD" and "Miraa Side Effects" (), the statistics of this small sample population make me feel very good about my decision to remove my IUD and return to a normal menstrual cycle. I'm glad my post has been helpful to so many women and I'm grateful for all the shared stories. I feel for all of you who have suffered so much for this little device not so innocent. I cannot tell anyone what to do in a given situation, although many of you have asked. I can only tell you to trust your instinct, trust your body and trust yourself. If this form of birth control is causing you more problems than it is worth, than trying to find an alternative. (For someone who asks, my husband and I are users of condoms and NO, he has not yet reserved his vasectomy!) And if your healthcare provider isn't listening to you, find one to do it. I have one last thing to tell those who have decided that your IUD is eliminated. Please do not let your family doctor or OB/GYN tell you that you should not have it removed or do a great deal about the removal or tell you to go to the doctor who inserted it. If the chains are visible and achievable with a simple pelvic exam, then the removal is a 10-second procedure that requires nothing but a spectrum and some medical tweezers. Blow a little, but if you've already had babies, well, enough said. I hope this tracking post on my experience with Mirea will be as useful as the first. I'm very happy that a year later, I can definitely say that life has been much better since I broke up with my DIU Look. Beware, ladies, Natasha~Natasha Chiam writes Distorting the status-quo, a story at a time. natasha chiam writes Leave your name and email address in the form below to receive the latest content and news in your inbox: respect your privacy and will not share your email with a third party.
Life AFTER Mirena | Mirena IUD Removal | Bloating, Weight Loss, Acne... What Actually Happened? - YouTube
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Weight Loss After IUD Removal - A Must Watch For All Women! - YouTube
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Mirena Crash: IUD Side Effects After Removal | EverythingMom
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Mirena Removal Weight Loss Reddit - WeightLossLook
mirena iud experience — Mandee Rae
Symptoms after Mirena removal: Side effects and how to cope
Mirena IUCD weight gain/struggle to lose weight — MyFitnessPal.com
1 Month Post Mirena IUD Removal | How I'm Feeling? Symptoms? - YouTube
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